About the Product
A specific formulation for roads and highways is a soil binder-stabilizer
that compacts dirt roads and gives them a hardness like cement. It is
an ecological, non-polluting ionic copolymer emulsion, capable of
approximating the results obtained in stabilizations with lime and/or
cement, but without the problems of cracking or incompatibility with
natural soil (gypsum or organic material).
It is a liquid copolymer, an emulsion that is not toxic to people or to the
ground. It does not pollute.
It is basically characterized by its extraordinary ability to unite,
stabilize and waterproof earth and earth materials.
A 100% European formulation that respects the most demanding
international standards.
How does it work?
It forms a plastic layer around soil particles and especially on clay particles and expansive clays. This facilitates the compaction of the soil and allows the water, which is often found around these particles, to escape
from this matrix.
Which road applies?
• – Rural roads.
• – Streets and urbanizations
• – Industrial Spaces.
• – Mining and oil sector
• -Aerodromes
• – Bicycle lanes.
• – Parks and gardens
• – Control of dust and erosion.
• – Roof waterproofing
Comparative Advantages
It converts dirt roads into a solid surface that can support heavy-duty road traffic on a permanent basis. That is, it provides a greater hardness to the stabilizations with cement.
It allows a continuous work process and does not require the contribution of aggregates or other materials. One liter is enough to cover between 3 and 6 m2, depending on traffic. The cost of the work is reduced by up to 5-8 times compared to the use of concrete, asphalt or traditional systems.
Allow it to be workable between 24 and 72 hours (about 3 days)
after its application. It also represents a time saving of at least 50% compared to the traditional construction system, since we carry out 3,000 to 5,000 m2 (about half the area of a Manhattan city block)/day.
The product is non-toxic.
Respect the environment. It does not harm the ecosystem nor is it harmful to humans. In the case of filtering into groundwater, it is not polluting marine life (fish, existing plankton, etc.).
The road does not generate dust, regardless of the environmental dust
that may settle on its surface.
The water does not penetrate the surface and moves towards the
ditches. Therefore, the path is not spoiled or eroded.
The product does not allow the grass to grow back on the road.
The road is fully integrated into the landscape. In addition, you can
apply coloring. desired, using another application method. You can also paint road signs or other signs, without any problem.
How it applies?
How does it help social progress?
Quality roads allow communities regular and reliable access to education and health services, allow labour mobility and the continuous flow of products and goods.
Crops are no longer exposed to inclement weather that destroys roads and prevents their distribution to the market.
It is a completely ecological product. It does not harm the soil, flora, fauna or people. It is easily revertible. The earth is not polluted.
Is presented in two formats:
– Drums of 120 kilos (liters).
– Drums of 1000 kilos (liters).
It can be moved in standard vehicles to, ambient temperature. No need for special conditions. It is not toxic to people or the environment.
Use the usual personal equipment for tasks of these characteristics.
– Motor grader with Ripper or fork
– Clean water tank truck with sprinkler.
-Rammer with vibrator of minimum 20 TN
All these teams are standard.
1 ltr of this product gives a standard performance of 3m2 of surface and
20 cmts of thickness. Or what is the same, 0.33 liters of it / m2. It easily supports vehicles
weighing up to 30 tons without cracks or breaks.
The product has to be at room temperature. Protected from the direct
action of the sun, it retains all its properties for up to one year after its manufacturing.
Between 3 and 5 years depending on heavy traffic and provided that during this period the
recommended minimum annual maintenance tasks are carried out. In case of asphalting
above there is no appreciable wear over time.
Fusagasuga. Cundinamarca. COLOMBIA
Bike trail. Vic. SPAIN